THE REAL POWER lies within us; it’s just that we don’t believe in it. The power in us gets awakened only when we try to find it out. The real power comes from the truth and not from the hatredness. When there is a feeling of vengeance, we feel as if there is a lot of fire burning inside us which will bestow its anger on the enemy. But in reality, this is not what exactly happens... a feeling of revenge transforms a human being into a beast. It overpowers his soul and leads him to the path of destruction creating a  negative aura. If you are true to yourself, then you can overcome your weakness and it’s the first step towards achieving the real power. No one in this world is weak; everyone possesses that power which can transform a rock into gold, build a castle out of the air, and much more. Purity in actions, love for humanity and faith in yourself- these three gems give you the real power. Abraham Lincoln who was a slave, believed in himself, purity was there in his actions- he wants to set each and every man free from slavery, he realized his power of words and worked for it. He came out with flying colors. He became the President of the USA and gave the concept of democracy- “government of the people, by the people and for the people”. Who would have ever thought that a slave will set free thousands and lakhs of people, but he did....Take example of Chandragupta Maurya-he was a child belonging to working class who wanted to take revenge from Magadha emperor Dhananada for the destruction he caused in his life but Chandragupta failed because the feeling of hatredness overpowered his wisdom. Then he was guided by Chanakya that it’s not only about him but the whole country.... He is the one who can save his country; then, Chandragupta realized his mistake and got enlightened by the fact that the feeling of revenge was the greatest obstruction in his path towards success. Finally, he succeeded; he set free many people from the clutches of the cruel king and became one the greatest king whose name is still remembered in Indian history. And there are many more such examples...

The overall conclusion that follows is that there is nothing that cannot be achieved and there is no class or type of a person who can achieve something. When one is young, the mind is overpowered by  it’s by our choice that we become a human being or a beast. Any person can achieve whatever he wants; the only thing required is the real power-truth, faith and purity.